Who Are You?


Deneyimsel Tasarım Öğretisi

Did you fall while playing, is that why your face and hands are full of wounds?

Are these tears because they didn’t buy you the toy you wanted?

Is this trembling inside you because you’re cold?

No, no, it’s not like that.

What did those eyes see that caused such pain in your heart?

What terror brought those tears streaming down your face?

What did those eyes witness, that made fear and calmness coexist?

A person who fears harming even an ant,

How can they harm the defenseless and the weak?

What ambition, what arrogance, justifies this cruelty?

And you?

Are you Cain, who desired what wasn’t his more than its owner?

Or are you Abel, who stood for righteousness and his rights?

Which Pharaoh are you standing against as Moses?

Which Hagar are you, so alone in the middle of the desert?

Which Goliath are you facing as David?

What did you nuture within you?

Or do you have a piece of all of them inside you?

Are you undecided?

No, no, it’s not like that!

Inthe end, ALLAH will complete your light…

So now, are you fire? Are you light?

What did you nurture within you?

Life is made up of our choices.

Choose your side.



Experiential Design Teaching is the knowledge of reality that provides the information individuals need on their path to life. It produces strategies for people through true information derived from experiences. Thus provides real methods on how they can solve their problems.

 It conveys ways to be happy and successful with “Who’s Who?”, “Relationship Mastery” and “Success Psychology” programs.

“The only thing that hasn’t been discovered yet is; the Better.”

Yahya Hamurcu

Inthe end, ALLAH will complete your light…


  1. This article is self-illuminating. Many thanks!!!

  2. Çok çok güzel kaleminize sağlık

  3. Life is made up of our choices.

  4. Life is made up of our choices.

  5. Life is made up of our choices.
    Choose your side. :)

  6. Who are you? A servant? God? Those who pass the exam are the best servants

  7. Firuze Örmen11 Ekim 2024 07:03

    Who can pass the exam easly?
    Of course who understood the question and gave the proper answer...


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